Kinship, Counterpublics, and Transnational Korean Adoptees


  • Sarah Idzik Northwestern University


Counterpublic theories based on identity and oppositional politics have been challenged by theories demonstrating that counterpublics can be identified by their discursive marginalization from dominant publics. Yet discursive theories cloud possibilities of purpose based on kinship. Eleana J. Kim’s (2010) adoptee counterpublic incorporates an alternative form of kinship that reorients the discursive counterpublic toward a purpose, and points to possibilities of transformative worldmaking.


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Biogram autora

  • Sarah Idzik - Northwestern University
    Sarah Idzik is a PhD student in Rhetoric and Public Culture at Northwestern University. She holds an MA in Literary and Cultural Studies from Carnegie Mellon University.


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Habermas, Jurgen. [1962] 1989. The Structural Transformation of the Public Sphere: An Inquiry into a Category of Bourgeois Society. Translated by Thomas Burger and Frederick Lawrence. Cambridge: The MIT Press.

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Jak cytować

Idzik, Sarah. 2018. “Kinship, Counterpublics, and Transnational Korean Adoptees”. Res Rhetorica 5 (4).